Lake & Flame

Lake & Flame
(photo by Luke Pellatt - 1995)

For those of you who may be wondering,
Lake and Flame are our real names!

Thanks everyone!

About Us - Lake & Flame

We are 36 year old identical mirror-image twins from sunny Brisbane, QLD Australia.

We've always been really interested in linking up with other twins. We tried to find local groups for adult twins but as there was nothing in Australia, we decided to start something ourselves.........Welcome to Twins Realm!

We really hope that you enjoy our twinny site! (Site Map)

Since starting our first twins website back in 1998 we've been thrilled by the overwhelming response. In the last decade we've had more than a million visitors and have received thousands of emails.

Over the years the Twins Realm website has evolved and expanded to include areas specifically for parents, a twins club, a dating site (exclusively for twins to meet other twins), hundreds of fabulous twinny photos, twin books, information on twin festivals, links to lots more great twin sites and much more. Please email us your comments and suggestions.

Twins Realm Postal Address: PO Box 1210, Oxley QLD Australia 4075 - Email:


For more details about us check out our Photo Gallery with dozens of pictures of us growing up, and our Twin Stories page with lots of snippets about our experiences of twinship.

Lake's Overseas Travels
Lake has been overseas, mostly in India and Sri Lanka for many years. View her travel photos & stories (+ page 2)
Lake's Health Problems  

Lake has been diagnosed with CFS/ME and a number of auto-immune conditions. For more detailed information see her health page.

Email Lake directly via

Flame with kids

Flame is now the mother of 3 wonderful children.
Phoenix (6 yrs old), Isabel (4 yrs old) and Saxon (1 yr old).

click here for more info and pics.

Email Flame directly via
page last updated June 2011 back to home